Courses and Knowledge Courses and KnowledgeFree social work courses offering for international social work students or if you are interested! Course Offerings Psychology courses Offer by various Universities and Coursera Introduction to Psychology The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs Autism Spectrum Disorder Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment Gender based courses Offer by various Universities and Coursera Confronting Gender-Based Violence: Global Lessons for Healthcare Workers Understanding Violence Gender and Sexuality: Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Family and Children courses Offer by various Universities and Coursera Children’s Human Rights – An Interdisciplinary Introduction Understanding child development: from synapse to society Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing ADHD: Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students Medical courses Opioid Crisis Palliative Care Always Specialization What is Palliative Care? Policies and Society courses Fundraising for the Non-Profit Community Organizing for Social Justice Community Organizing for Social Justice Global Campus Courses Other Courses and Knowledge Free multiple online social work trainings (complied by ATCSW) Sources and Credits Multiple sources from various Universities, colleges, institutions and search engines.